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Crossroad Decisions… My Personal Journey into the Hearts of the Arts

…Change is the only constant- A mantra I, Sarayu Chandrasekhar, strongly believe in. This belief and conviction have shaped my ability to accept every curve ball through my compelling self-discovery process, with an equanimity that has taken me by surprise, and so I wish to share…for all those who love the arts, feel a pulling of their heartstrings to make change and shape society…

I step back a little to share some areas of the journey with you… Reflecting on vital decisions which were made of sheer certainty, I can now see a pattern that has evolved and become somewhat of a career-defining pathway.

In my former professional life, I practised as a Physiotherapist in India, there was a great satisfaction for being a holistic healer and I reaped the immense joy of being a part of a person’s recovery for a more rejuvenated life. However, in all the years of serving such in my professional capacity, there was always a strong attraction for the fine arts, specifically in music and the performing arts, I suppose for the healing aspects I recognised.

In my family, the pursuit of the arts was not a career choice and was hence relegated to the inner recesses of the mind and heart, only to be exposed for personal satisfaction. As it does for many, remains a distant dream to dwell on and relish in our inner worlds. Welcoming the joy of making my own family, later brought me to the USA, where the intent to continue my seva as a Physical Therapist in California. Moving across the USA, I saw my shift towards the arts and then I began the search for an alternate career where I could embrace my connectivity to the emotional domain. Quite by accident, the music world beckoned me to serve and I have been in the service of Music ever since!

Fate, Providence, destiny-call it what you may, it was ordained for me to meet a beautiful couple who encouraged my creative instincts and facilitated the process I was so drawn to.  Emboldened by the positive responses, I now desired to spread my wings when a golden opportunity to be a part of the Shankar Mahadevan concert series organized by AIM for Seva USA, called Krishna Sabrang-A Melodious Musical Celebration.

I assumed the role of the National Program Manager for the concert tour from May 11-21, 2017, and there I have it my newfound ground. My responsibilities were vast and varied and included overseeing all aspects of the tour and I travelled with the artists to the different cities as the Liaison between the organizer and the artists. This was an exciting and immensely satisfying experience from which I have learned a lot and now I am eager to seek similar opportunities.

The Krishna Sabrang Concert Series catapulted me into the limelight and there has been no looking back ever since. Once that project was completed, and I was still basking in the glory of the many positive responses and feedback of the new direction, the choice was now clear that this is exactly what I wanted to do as a profession.

Sarayu with Guitar Prasanna

The second innings of my professional life was now in full swing. Fresh from the success of the Shankar Mahadevan tour, the quest was now on for a suitable opportunity when once again destiny stepped in and I met Mr Prasanna, aka Guitar Prasanna in June 2017. Serendipity had a huge role to play! The young college student who had performed for with his band in Bangalore at a college festival at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, where I had the chance to hear him, was now the famous Guitarist and I was reminded of that incident much later! Prasanna generously accepted my offer to represent him even though I was hugely inexperienced and completely untrained in music.

My keen sense of care for the arts, society and a deep reverence for music and musicians, gives me the unique ability to have an unbiased and unabashed passion for the craft and a desire to work with the musicians. The joy of service, and, of healing has never left me! It has only evolved and taken shape from a clinician to a facilitator of bringing phenomenal joy and healing through Prasanna’s music.

Guitar Prasanna is a Music Magician who is a powerhouse of talent, musicianship and generosity to accept and mentor someone like me to pursue my new career as a Booking Agent. The collaborative journey is still very new and each day is a learning experience.

Every crossroad is a challenge in choices, and we all make it to the best of our knowledge. Mine has been slightly different. Each choice was almost always not by the first choice, rather by a gut decision which survived the second-guessing and eventually went on to become meshed with the one made before. I submit to the hands of destiny and have chosen to embrace the new journey with happiness, knowing that there is healing through music as much as there is healing through physical therapy.

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I still participate in the healing and rejuvenation and that to me is more than enough reason to continue this path that was once a “Crossroads decision…!”

The excitement of being a part of the process to share Mr Prasanna’s brilliant music to the world is unparalleled and I cherish the experiences of working with all the wonderful individuals and gifted musicians.

About our storyteller – Sarayu Chandrasekhar is the Booking Agent for renowned musician Guitar Prasanna. In addition to the various concerts currently in the pipeline, she is also working on a tour for Guitar Prasanna. When she is not wearing the “Booking Agent” hat, she is often seen as the Emcee/Presenter for events, spending time with family, learning new languages, and working hard on her comic timing! You may reach her at sarayuc@hotmail.com or on Instagram at @sarayuc.

Authors Content edited and encouraged by Nina Buddhdev, Vois Créatives – The Bandish Network

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