The Government of India has launched a scheme namely ‘National Mission on Cultural Mapping and Roadmap’ on 29th March, 2017 with the main objectives of talent hunt as well as collection of database of artists, artisans and various art forms across the country by organizing various activities envisaged under its components. The total amount of funds allocated for its implementation is Rs.469.404 Crores spread over a period of three years from 2017-18 to 2019-20.
Till date, profiles of about 6000 artistes have been recorded in the database of Cultural Mapping of India Project. Apart from the said database of Cultural Mapping of India, various programmes under the aforesaid Mission have been successfully conducted on pilot basis in five blocks viz. Govardhan & Chauri Chaura (Uttar Pradesh), Seraikella (Jharkhand), Thanesar (Haryana) and Shimoga (Karnataka) whereby around 944, 654, 1208, 1315 and 2404 artistes respectively has been registered for recording in the said database of Cultural Mapping of India Project.
As per official press release from Ministry of Culture, 2743 artists from Andhra Pradesh, 1002 from Arunachal Pradesh, 715 from Telangana, 541 from Karnatka, 407 from West Bengal, 200 from Uttar Pradesh, 169 from Maharashtra, 124 from Rajasthan and 75 from J&K are recorded in the database. While less than 10 artists were recorded from each of other states.
Though Minister claims of recording database of over 6000 artists, found that artists have only entered their Name, Email and cell numbers and created the account but they are unable to login into account to enter further details like art field, profile etc. The system has taken everyone’s age as 48 years and does not display “Name of the Art Form / Cultural Practice” for any artist. (Please see

Artists and cultural organisations can still submit their information HERE in Project “National Mission on Cultural Mapping and Roadmap”.