The audience at the India International Centre was left spellbound by the Bharatanatyam recital of the exceptionally talented 14-year-old Hiya Agarwal. Accompanied by a stellar orchestral ensemble, Hiya was supported by her Guru, Smt Rashmi Khanna on the Nattuvangam, Shri G Elangovan on the vocals, Shri M V Chandershekar on the Mridangam, and Shri G Raghuraman on flute.
The evening commenced with a Pushpanjali, set to Raga Nattai and Talam Aadi. This was followed by a captivating Kauthuvam dedicated to Lord Nataraja. Set to the lilting notes of Raga Hamsadhwani and the rhythmic beats of Talam Aadi, Hiya captivated the audience with her intricate footwork and dynamic stage presence.
The Varnam in Raga Shankarabharanam and Talam Aadi, saw Hiya portray the emotional yearning of a nayika for Lord Vishnu. Her abhinaya intensely conveyed the depth of emotion in the character’s plea to her friend. The complexity of this emotionally charged narrative was matched by Hiya’s technical prowess, stamina, and grace, earning her a thunderous applause.
A softer tone emerged with Shyam Tori, set to Raga Sivaranjani. This lively Surdas bhajan brought to life Radha’s mischievous desire to reverse roles with Krishna. Hiya’s vibrant expressions and impeccable timing breathed life into the characters. It was commendable to see such a young girl expressing such mature and convincing abhinaya. The two spectrums of emotions, with the naughty Krishna on one hand and the pining Radha on the other, were justifiably portrayed with much ease and skill.
In Thumak Chalat Rama Chandra, set to Raga Pilu, Hiya masterfully captured the tender vatsalya (maternal affection) of a mother witnessing baby Rama’s first steps. Her nuanced gestures and sensitive portrayal embodied the innocence and delight of childhood.
The evening concluded with a fast-paced Tillana in Raga Hamsanandi. Demonstrating her technical mastery, Hiya executed complex rhythmic patterns with effortless precision, without missing a single beat, bringing the recital to a celebratory conclusion.
Adding to the grandeur of the evening were eminent chief guests: celebrated Kathak maestro Pandit Deepak Maharaj, renowned Kathak danseuse Shrimati Anukriti Vishwakarma, and legendary vocalist Padma Bhushan Pandit Sajan Mishra ji, accompanied by Shrimati Kavita Mishra ji. Their presence lent prestige to this extraordinary event, strengthening it as an unforgettable celebration of classical art.
Hiya’s remarkable journey in Bharatanatyam reflects the dedicated mentorship of her Guru, Shrimati Rashmi Khanna, who has carried forward the Dandayudapanipillai style of Bharatanatyam for over two decades in Delhi. Trained under the illustrious late Smt. Kalyani Shekar, niece and disciple of Guru Padmashree Dandayudapanipillai, Shrimati Khanna has instilled in Hiya a deep respect and passion for the art. Despite taking only online classes from Dubai, Hiya has gathered immense knowledge and mastery over the art of Bharatanatyam. If she continues like this, Hiya will make a significant space for herself in the field of Bharatanatyam.