Home » Dance » Ananya Nadger’s Solo Bharatanatyam Debut in Pune

Ananya Nadger’s Solo Bharatanatyam Debut in Pune

Ananya Nadger, a disciple of Bharatanatyam dancer Smt. Charanya Gurusathya of Natyashala Academy of Fine Arts, will be presenting Solo dance recital in Pune.

In her debut performance, Ananya will portray different aspects of Sringaram-Bhakti, Vatsalyam and Sambhoga with accompaniment of Live Musical Orchestra.

Guru Pt. Shama Bhate, Director, NADROOP and Prof. Sharangadhar Sathe, Director, BVDU School of Performing Arts, Pune will be the guests of honour to the event.

  • Date: Sunday 6th March at 5.30pm
  • Venue: Natasamrat Nilu Phule Natyasabhagriha, Sangvi, Pune

Entry Free and open for all.

1 thought on “Ananya Nadger’s Solo Bharatanatyam Debut in Pune”

  1. Bestwishes and congratulations to Ananys Nadger and Guru Charanya GuruSathya and all Music Assembly artists. Bhagawan protect all and bless 🙌 all in yours performances on 6th March 2022 and in future endeavors.
    Lalitha Ana Lakshmanan


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