जीवन कुछ और नहीं, बल्कि नर्तन है!
पाषाण युग में मनुष्य ने बोलना नहीं सीखा था.. यह तो सभी जानते हैं। तब गुफाओं पर चित्र उकेर कर वह अपनी बात कहता था..
पाषाण युग में मनुष्य ने बोलना नहीं सीखा था.. यह तो सभी जानते हैं। तब गुफाओं पर चित्र उकेर कर वह अपनी बात कहता था..
YouTube is growing, with a world full of population switching to digital content like Netflix, Prime and switching off their TV. For performing artists, YouTube
When it comes to financial planning, there are factors that set artists apart from the average individuals. They have to tackle different financial challenges arising out of uncertain events such
As social media grows day by day our exposure to millions of people becomes easier. Being artist its always necessary to showcase our work and
Social media is a place which is indeed a boon for this generation artist and performers to articulate and present their talent and ideas up
In contrast to the “Lord of the seven hills” was also presented the “Lord of the earth” or the one who stands on a brick,
The once resplendent “Shanichara” club of Gaya wears a forlorn look today, mapping the skies that tell a thousand untold stories of a bygone era,
कहते है संगीत परमब्रम्ह है… निश्चित रुप से संगीत के सुरों की मिठास और अमृत की बूंदे आपस में रिश्तेदार ही होंगी जिसके कारण संगीत
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः । गुरु: साक्षात् परब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ।। Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru devo Maheshwara| Guru sakshat, para Brahma, tasmai shri gurave namah|
Vittala Venkata Kshetram was the concluding presentation of Divya Kshetram – exploring the deity and his/her kshetram or dwelling. In an attempt to explore the