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Dhruvi impresses spectators on her Manchpravesh

Kaishiki Nrityabasha presented the Odissi Manchpravesh by young talented danseuse Dhruvi Jain at ISKCON Auditorium. Dhruvi impressed the spectators with her pleasing and precise performance while performing varied items from the Odissi repertoire.

Kaishiki Nrityabasha is headed by accomplished Odissi exponent and mentor, Daksha Mashruwala. For the last couple of years, Dhruvi has been learning Odissi with sincerity and the Manchpravesh is her dream come true. Dhruvi danced with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm and the audience cheered her with applause.

Commencing with traditional Manglacharan that is a prayer and tribute to Lord Jagannath, the presiding deity of Odissi dance, which was followed by the pure dance number that portrays the typical and characteristic movements with varied ‘tribangis’. wherein the speed of the varied movements increase in gradual tempo, forming a fine synthesis of music, melody and rhythmic accuracy. Being quite slim, Dhruvi danced with effortless ease and stability. While the concept of Shiva and Shakti was depicted in Ardhanarishwar, Dhruvi also danced Leela Nidhi, Nachanti(Krishna Tandav), Kaapi and the ultimate Mokha that symbolises the merging of the ‘jeevatma’ with ‘parmatma’ with eternal bliss and ‘ananda’.

Dhruvi received fine musical support from the talented team of musicians led by her mentor Daksha Mashruwala. If Dhruvi continues to dance with the same amount of passion and zeal, she can definitely rise as a dancer.

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