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Instagram Hacks | Every artist should know!

As social media grows day by day our exposure to millions of people becomes easier. Being artist its always necessary to showcase our work and skill set to right kind of audience. With just one click we can create our own virtual stage and connect with millions of people. Instagram as a primary source for visually is a best platform every dancer should use. With Instagram, we can create our own social profiles with high quality pictures and post and keep our audience engaged time to time. However, over use of any tool makes the experience sour. but no more worries, here are some hacks which you need to know if you would like to make the maximum use of Instagram as a dancer or a musician.

Create a basic Instagram profile

A basic Instagram Profile consist of a profile picture, handle name and few hashtags which define you . though some use a fancy handle name to sound unique and some use their original name. its recommended to use original name as by using the same the chances of visibility in search engines increases. By using pseudo names those pictures and information ends up somewhere else.

Differentiate between personal and institution profiles

For personal profiles Instagram provides a common account however for institutions or organizations profiles, its recommended to use the Business account as it provides a larger scope to outreach the audience and help in marketing the Institution in a better way.

Have a basic description, hashtags in your profile

A description is the first thing a person would look up for if he/she lands on your page. Though we can write a sentence or two however to catch attention of the visitors its always recommended to use hashtags such as #ClassicalDancer or #KathakInMind etc.

Post high-quality pictures and edit them before posting

Instagram is known for its picture bank. We should ensure to upload high quality pictures as that would serve as content to the profile. Posting a high-quality picture will make Instagram handle as a part of your profile. Also, edit your photos before posting as you don’t want to send a picture which a bad color mix.

Use hashtags for more outreach

When it comes to Instagram, using hashtags, and more specifically, choosing the RIGHT hashtags can make a massive difference in the amount of engagement your photos receive and the number of targeted users you get visiting your feed.

Why is it important to have targeted users visiting your feed and not just random ones? Well, those targeted people are the ones who are most likely to truly enjoy your content (not just one picture, but all of them!) and the chances of them following you, and potentially becoming a long-term supporter are very high. Using hashtags, one can pull hundreds of crowds to your posts. hashtags are searchable notations which makes millions of people access or look out for your content and give relevance insights of other similar hashtags.

Tag people who are within the pictures

Tagging is simple, all you need to do is type their username like how you would in a caption. If you had a selfie with your dancing partner soon after your performance, upon putting it on internet don’t forget to tag that person as tagging provides more visibility of the post with relevance.

Your followers will be able to see who you mention and can click to head over to their profile. When you mention someone in your Instagram story, it also sends who you mention a notification.

Give credits to the photographer

Photographers are the ones who make you a star or performer. So, take time to give them the credits. Tag them in your post and give them the credits to your photographs. It not only makes you a creditable performer but helps you to propagate your own art.

Repost something interesting

Reposting other artist’s post makes your Instagram content more informative and engages the audience to be hooked and follow for more such interesting post. Also, it outreaches people to use report option of Instagram for making it a better way to promote art within social media.

Use stories to capture day to day activities

The new Instagram story is an excellent way to tell your audience that you posted a new photo, share a quick announcement, show your personal side, and have fun with your account. Now you can tag people in your story-  Game changer!! Instagram’s one of the best features is its “stories” may that be a live performance or a boomerang of your slow Mo steps, stories puts up your best moments on social space. Dancers around are utilizing this space to promote their upcoming events or best steps.

Use IGTV as a mode to promote videos

After YouTube, IGTV is one of the best ways to promote videos. Instagram’s IGTV can host only 15 SEC short videos however its known for the largest short video community and easiness to build up video content onto your Instagram. A must try app for all the dancers or musicians.

Remember! Always Post Vertically!! When shooting for Instagram and posting on Instagram, vertical is always better (shoot horizontally and vertically if you are selling prints and want variety). Vertical photos take up more room on the mobile screen and show off that beautiful work of yours!

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Ask questions and engage your audience

Instagram’s recent feature of asking questions is one of the best feature the art industry is using to its core. The new feature can be found in the sticker drawer. Tap it, type out a prompt, and place it on your post. When friends see it, they can tap the sticker to send replies. Somewhat confusingly, replies will appear in the list of people who have viewed your story, which appears in the bottom-left corner of the post. This is one of the feature which makes one engage with the audience constantly. Asking questions will help you share your story of success and guidance to the others who look up to you as a dancer. Questions are good, ask questions.

Instagram is such a fun platform to be creative on and share content. At the end of the day, remember it’s a place to build community and while this might take time, it’s always worth it to engage authentically!

Also read: Facebook Do’s and Don’ts, every artist should know!

YouTube Hacks | Every dancer should know!

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