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Fighting Corona artistic way

The lockdown to fight with COVID19 kept everyone behind the wall of their homes. Staying home for such a long time is an unprecedented event...

One Nation One Voice: Over 200 singers sing “Jayatu Jayatu Bharatam”

Asian Paints continuing its solidarity with the nation in the midst of a destabilizing pandemic, has come forward to show support to PM Cares Fund as...

Classical Musicians need to tighten their belts in post COVID 19 era

Not only India, but the entire musicians’ community across the world is now forced to rethink and reinvent their positioning and marketing strategies in post-COVID-19...

क्या शास्त्रीय संगीतकार ‘COVID19 पश्चात’ युग के लिए तैयार हैं?

केवल भारत ही नहीं, बल्कि पूरे विश्व के संगीतकारों का समुदाय अब COVID19 युग के बाद अपनी स्थिति और विपणन रणनीतियों पर पुनर्विचार और पुनर्बलित करने के...


Let’s conquor Coronavirus – stay home, stay safe! Sandeep Ranade ‘Naadrang’ sings about how we can stay safe and do our part during the worldwide...

Padma Awards 2020 announced

Like every year, Padma Awards for the year 2020 announced on the eve of Republic day. Out of 141 awards, seven awards are to Indian...

EVAM 2020: 5th Edition of Classical Dance Festival in Mumbai

EVAM, India’s first crowd-funded classical dance festival has become one of the most awaited events in Mumbai’s cultural calendar. The festival not only garnered funds...

Learn to indulge, soak and immerse yourself in every performance – Usha Rk

On a winter morning, in a buzzing cafe, I sat down with Usha Rk, a well-known art consultant, Classical Arts presenter, Mentor who is also...

Arpanam: A Soulful Marathon

ARPANAM, a concept & Choreography by Dr Kalashri Lata Surendra was a  soulful marathon! With three Varnams at a stretch as a solo performance and three...

आचार्य तनरंग – संगीत के आसमान का दैदीप्यमान सितारा

भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत का ज़िक्र चलते ही कई घराने उभरकर सामने आते हैं। साथ ही साथ चर्चा होती है गुरु-शिष्य परंपरा की, घरानों की विशेषताओं...
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