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Pre-Admission Workshop for Gandharva Mandal’s Teacher Training Courses

The Teaching & Training Unit of Akhil Bhartiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Mandal has announced Pre-Admission Workshop for the candidates who wish to apply for Sangeet Shiksha Sanad, Shiksha Visharad and Shiksha Parangat Courses.

Prof. Madhav Vasekar, Vice-President of ABGMVM informed that Sangeet Shiksha Sanad, Shiksha Visharad and Shiksha Parangat are one year Teacher’s Training courses which include practical training of teaching in schools and music institutes.

Eligibility for Shiksha Sanad is Madhyama and 10+2, for Shiksha Visharad – Visharad and University Graduation and for Shiksha Parangat- Alankar and Post Graduate degree from any University.

Candidates who fulfill eligibility criteria, are required to attend both the sessions of the workshop to be held in June and November 2018. Each session will be of 3 days duration.

Eligible candidates may register for the workshop before 15th May 2018 by sending an application along with a copy of last cleared exam certificate and Registration Fee (Demand draft of Rs. 2000/- in favor of Akhil Bhartiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Mandal, Mumbai) to Registrar Office, Vashi office. Accommodation and meals for both sessions are included in the registration fees.

Applications for admission to all three courses will be accepted during the first session to be held from 1st to 3rd June 2018 at Gandharva Niketan, Vashi (Navi Mumbai). Dates for the second session are yet to be announced.

For more information, contact Prof. Madhav Vasekar on 9890130403 / 9130029812 / 022-27662015.

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